Concession Help and Clearances

Hi Everyone,

I don’t like to bring bad news forward but sometimes it is my job.  As President and a member of the concessions committee I need to inform everyone that until we are able to clearly define the facts contained in the new clearance law we cannot allow children (anyone under 18) in the concession stand.  The issue is under the new law in order to be around children as a volunteer an adult must have clearances. This would mean that if a parent is in the concession stand and a child (someone under 18) is in the concession stand we are in violation of the law!  We cannot violate the law and have insurance coverage.  Our insurance carrier would have the option of not covering any claim against us for any injury sustained if the law was being violated.  I hate to be the bearer of this news but yesterday a parent was suppose to spend their time in the stand and brought two young people to replace them.  I told this person they were not allowed to be in the stand unless they were 18. The comment was I wasn’t told that.  I get that and apologize to the parent and decided to make sure the membership was aware of the situation and why the situation occurred.  I thank everyone for their understanding and as soon as I get a better understanding or rather better explanation as to how the law applies to us and the concession stand I will pass this on. If the above understanding is correct their will be no need for a further explanation.

Thank you for your understanding and believe me when I say I want the children in our organization to be protected and will not allow any one in the organization to jeopardize the organization as a whole by putting a child in a bad situation!!!!!

Thank You again

Don Raifsnider Jr

MTAA President

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